The Prophecy of Fabrice Monteiro

La nature rêvée de Catherine Bouyx
Illustrations, entre sciences et art
Jangala, au cœur de la jungle indienne
The Prophecy de Fabrice Monteiro
Tous les bébés
Mange-moi, si tu peux !
Littoral aquitain
La nature vue par les Hommes
Exhibition type
Target audience
General public
Discover the exhibition of Fabrice Monteiro, The Prophecy, in the Museum of natural history of Bordeaux - science and nature
L'exposition photographique de Monteiro est à découvrir au Muséum de Bordeaux - sciences et nature
Les photographies de la série The Prophecy de Fabrice Monteiro sont à découvrir au Muséum de Bordeaux - sciences et nature

The Prophecy reflects the serious environmental problems we are facing and the consequences of excessive consumption. “The idea comes from Senegal where, after noticing the lack of environmental activism... I wanted to tell a story, a narrative that would combine animism and ecology to... help rouse an environmental conscience in children.”

Complex characters inspired by farces from West Africa emerge from oil spills, waste dumps and dried out landscapes to deliver humankind a wake-up call... to live responsibly.