Visiting the Museum of Bordeaux

La nature rêvée de Catherine Bouyx
Tous les bébés
Mange-moi, si tu peux !
Littoral aquitain
La nature vue par les Hommes

Set over four floors, the Museum of Bordeaux welcomes visitors to explore the rich diversity of the natural world through its various collections. Around 4,000 specimens are now on display. In the permanent exhibition, visitors are invited to question the place of humans in nature.

Insects, shells, fossils, mounted skeletons, models, reproductions and stuffed animals are all on show around the museum galleries. Digital devices expand the experience and offer additional content. A multimedia show presents the key themes of the museum’s main gallery.

The broad subject of the environment is a major concern of our times.  Raising awareness about how we can preserve our planet is the first step towards reducing the impact of human activity. The exhibitions at the Museum of Bordeaux are designed to encourage us to respect all wildlife and teach us ways to protect it. 

Your visit starts in the foyer and continues up to the second floor where you can explore the permanent exhibition Nature as seen by humans. From geographic diversity through the subject of classification to humankind’s place in nature, enjoy a moment of wonder and discovery.

The first floor contains two themed exhibitions for the public. The first one is a regional exhibition about the Aquitaine coast featuring a presentation of its varied flora and fauna. The second one, Eat me, if you can!, brings an alternative perspective to the feeding strategies of living beings.

For over 20 years, the Museum of Bordeaux has exhibited pieces by artists whose work has some kind of connection with nature. Continuing on this tradition, The Art and Science Square promotes talented artists who are showcased in three exhibitions a year.

The Early years Museum welcomes visitors under 6 to a special kids zone featuring an exhibition named All babies.

The new basement extension in front of the Museum of Bordeaux now hosts major temporary exhibitions. Over several months, the Very Tactile exhibition has been shown in this room accompanied by exhibition Laugh!

Whatever your age, the wonder of discovery awaits throughout your visit!