The Early years Museum is a museum space totally devoted to children under the age of 6. It is located on the ground floor inside the Museum of Bordeaux.
The Early years Museum is devised around a learning approach suitable for children not yet at reading or writing age. Children can enjoy the wonder of discovery and ask questions in total freedom. The experience will be truly unique for them. A facilitator is on hand to answer questions and spark their inquisitive minds.
Since 2005, the Museum of Bordeaux has offered children activities specially devised for them. With the Early years Museum, the Museum of Bordeaux gives special access to specific collections and is developing, in a broader sense, plans to improve access and learning for our youngest visitors.
Accompanied by family or teachers, children can explore the début exhibition ‘All babies’.
Coming with family/in a group
Children under the age of six can come with family, their school or their day care centre. They must be accompanied by an adult. The Early years Museum is not open to children who are not accompanied.
In this space, you will find all the facilities you need when visiting with young children including changing table, toilets and furniture adapted to kids under 6.
A cloakroom is available near the museum entrance to leave your personal belongings in a safe place.
Visiting the Early years Museum also comes with admission to the other areas in the Museum of Bordeaux.
Early years Museum regulations
The Early years Museum is part of the Museum of Bordeaux. Visitors are required to observe the museum regulations displayed at the entrance to the foyer.
Children must be accompanied by an adult during their visit.
Children are not permitted to touch the stuffed animals and other specimens or to climb on or cling to the displays. The soft toys in the ‘Find your relative’ game must be returned after use and must never be removed from the Early years Museum.
We remind you that flash photography is banned inside the Early years Museum and all other areas of the museum.