La nature rêvée de Catherine Bouyx

La nature rêvée de Catherine Bouyx
Tous les bébés
Mange-moi, si tu peux !
Littoral aquitain
La nature vue par les Hommes
Exhibition type
Target audience
General public
Exposition La nature rêvée de Catherine Bouyx au Muséum de Bordeaux - sciences et nature

This exhibition brings the paintings of Catherine Bouyx to life through the eyes of her daughter. It is also an opportunity to re-examine her work in collaboration with the Muséum Bordeaux - Science et Nature.

The exhibition goes beyond a classic display of paintings and drawings, with the visitor invited to step into the artist’s workshop to better understand the creative process. Through reproductions of drawings that soften the light from the windows and an installation using the works on display, visitors can observe how dreams mingle with reality and nature spills out of the frame in which it is represented.

Catherine Bouyx (1949 – 2015)
After training as a photographer, Catherine Bouyx studied painting (at the Académie de la Grande-Chaumière in particular) while taking classes in entomology at the Faculty of Sciences in Paris as an unregistered student. She was initially influenced by artists such as Dalí, Léonore Fini and Jean-Pierre Alaux, over time developing a dreamlike pictorial approach giving nature a prominent position.

Virginie Bouyx
Bordeaux-born Virginie Bouyx is the author of two collections of short stories, “Les fleuristes” and “Villes chinoises” (Gallimard, Blanche collection, 2013 and 2014), and a novel, “La Varangue” (Editions Le Pommier, 2023), which evokes art and nature under threat. She was awarded the François Mauriac prize from the Académie Française for “Villes chinoises”.