Early years Museum - Leisure

La nature rêvée de Catherine Bouyx
Musée des tout-petits - Loisirs
Tous les bébés
Mange-moi, si tu peux !
Littoral aquitain
La nature vue par les Hommes
Exhibition type
Target audience
Leisure centre
The Early years Museum is a space devoted to children under the age of six. In this space of the Museum of natural history of Bordeaux – Science and nature, they can discover the semi-permanent exhibition all babies.
In the Early years Museum, space tottally devoted to children under the age of six, children discover the semi-permanent exhibition all babies. When they arrive into the area, they can see an ostrich and its babies. The specimen are part of the Museum of natural history of Bordeaux collections.
The Museum of natural history of Bordeaux – Science and nature has created a space totally devoted to children under the age of six. This specific area is called Early Years Museum.
In the Early years Museum, children under the age of six discover the semi-permanent exhibition of the Museum of naturel history of Bordeaux – Science and nature, called All babies.
The museography of the Early years Museum is tottaly adapted to children under the age of six. In the Museum of Bordeaux – Science and nature, they discover an exhibition about all babies.
The Museum of natural history of Bordeaux – Science and nature has created a space totally devoted to children under the age of six. This specific area is called Early Years Museum.

The Early years Museum is a museum space totally devoted to children under the age of 6. It is located on the ground floor inside the Museum of Bordeaux.

All babies is the début exhibition of the Early years Museum. In this dedicated area, children can learn about and be amazed by babies of other species.

Young children seem to be fascinated by animals. They also identify with and show an interest in other ‘babies’. The special union between two parents is the beginning of a new life: a baby.

This exhibition includes specimens from long-standing collections that have been restored but also new collections and new taxidermy mounts of young birds and mammals with their parents. Humans are presented through photos, resin models and drawn outlines serving as points of comparison with other species on display. It was a deliberate choice not to include interactive screens in these exhibition spaces, however several audio devices interact with the specimens in the displays to stimulate curiosity and promote learning for our youngest visitors.
Through the collections, children are encouraged to play and ask questions.

The Early years Museum is open to families and groups looking to spend a moment of quite relaxation and discovery with their little ones.


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